

Current research opportunities for students 和 community members.

在圣. 365比分网电竞 Wild Basin Creative 研究 Center, students do research in a living laboratory 和 enjoy significant benefits. 这里你可以:

  • Conduct rigorous research at an innovative field station within a 227-acre nature preserve
  • Receive support from dedicated faculty 和 staff for your research
  • Engage in existing research or create your own project
  • Receive financial support for your research if chosen as a 钩的

Past students have studied a range of environmental topics at Wild Basin, 包括水质, 白尾鹿密度, 土壤中的微生物, 还有鸟巢里的掠食者. 

While Wild Basin is ideal for scientific research, we also encourage research 和 creative endeavors in other disciplines. 例如, students may utilize the Creative 研究 Center to study art, 政策与政府, 教育, 和业务. 请 电子邮件我们 to inquire about creative research opportunities.

All off-trail research 和 教育 must receive a permit from Travis County before beginning work. 请参阅 permit application requirements 和 电子邮件我们 有问题吗?. Any research done at Wild Basin must comply with federal regulations governing the protection of endangered species 和 their habitat.

Aerial map of Wild Basin Preserve

An isl和 within a city is an ideal location for research.

The Creative 研究 Center is located within a 227-acre nature preserve in the city of Austin. This geography is ideal for studying urban impacts on plants 和 wildlife. Because the preserve is open daily for hiking, Wild Basin is also an excellent location to study human 和 wildlife interaction.

有所作为. Distinguish yourself to future employers. 成为勾友.

Given the challenges we now face with the climate crisis, it is more important than ever to advance our underst和ing of how best to conserve the environment. As a 钩的, you can do meaningful research that makes a positive contribution to our world. 在这个过程中, you’ll also distinguish yourself to prospective employers 和 give yourself a competitive edge in the job market. Learn more about becoming a 钩的.

Unique opportunities for faculty researchers. 

The Creative 研究 Center welcomes the opportunity to support 和 collaborate with faculty who wish to engage in their own research at a dedicated field station. Opportunities are offered to faculty at St. 爱德华的 as well as other institutions of higher learning. 要了解更多信息, 接触野生盆地.